Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Drive Som Blaster Live 5.1 Vista

3 ° S. photo contest Abbot Bernard

L’associazione culturale “la Compagnia” in collaborazione con la parrocchia di San Bernardo abate a La Spezia, in occasione della festa per il santo patrono, organizza la terza edizione del concorso fotografico “San Bernardo abate”.
Quest’anno il tema del concorso sarà:

" Riflessi "

The competition is open to all lovers of photography.
Photographs must be in format 20cm X 30cm and will be submitted or sent to the following address:

Cultural Association "The Company"

Via S. Bernardo 8, 19123 La Spezia (SP)

The deadline for submission of photos is Sunday, August 16, 2009.

share part Ecipar is 8 € (5 € for members of the association). Will be accepted up to 3 works by author and should es evenings accompanied by the entry form found below (click con tasto destro e selezionare "salva con nome").
Le foto verranno esposte presso gli stand fieristici dal 21 al 23 agosto 2009 e saranno giudicate da professionisti del settore e da una giuria popolare.

La premiazione delle prime 3 opere della giuria tecnica e le prime 3 opere della giuria popolare avverrà domenica 23 agosto 2009. Trovate il volantino della manifestazione di seguito.

Per ulteriori informazioni non esitate a contattarci.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Descargar Elf. Hd Loade Ps2

Photo Festival Gulf of La Spezia, 2nd edition

to all photo enthusiasts, this is the program of the second edition of Gulf Photo Festival "organized by Confartigianato to be held '16 to 28 February at the' urban center of La Spezia.

Monday 16 at 21.00 opening event
Following conference / debate " The revolution of digital photography " with speakers: Mr. Joseph Menchelli Director Confartigianato La Spezia, Dr. Giada Triola Office and advertising External Relations Polyphoto Spa, Mr. Trevisani Gianni Digital Imaging Technical Department Polyphoto Spa, Mr. Andrea Salis Administrator (, Mr . Renzo Zonin FotoIdea Editor, Moderator Mauro Fioravanti professional photographer

On Wednesday 'February 18
21.00 Meeting with the author Francesco Cito

Friday, February 20
21.00 Meeting with the author Walter Travel

Mondays' February 23 at 21.00
Epson Workshop held by Mr. Nicole Simon
Training Specialist Knowledge Management Technical Department
Epson Italy Spa

Wednesday, February 25
21.00 Meeting with the author Andrea Rontini

Friday, February 27
21.00 Meeting with the author Federica Botta Alessandro De Rossi

Saturday from 14.30 in collaboration with UNICEF
Reading Portfolio (to book a meeting please call 3927813415)
Images Unicef \u200b\u200b
dedicated to childhood images of children by the Professional Photographers Confartigianato La Spezia
closing of the event

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How To Wrte An Invitation To A School Fair

Grendizer Full Metal Alchemist Go is pleased to announce the birth, on Facebook, the group, Grendizer generation.
Anyone wishing to join, it connects to Grendizer generation
More the merrier!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Phillie Blunt Birth Cake

Good "before"!

thank all new members for the large participation in the exhibition organized by Van Gogh in Brescia by our association.
There 's a lot of enthusiasm for the upcoming events that are being defined and the vision which we will give more' as soon as possible. We encourage you rather to indicate your areas of interest as some have already 'made during the first exit Brescia and possibly to work together to undertake new activities'.
also ask you to provide any remarks or suggestions to improve the organization in the coming cultural excursions.
Thanks again to everyone!