Comicon 2009 review ... Go THERE!
In questa discussione potete inserire i vostri commenti alle 3 giornate di fiera!
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My Comicon
by Guzzilla
Since nobody has done it again, I would say to start with my comment to the Napoli Comicon 2009 -
FRIDAY '(24-4)
How' I usually have my cheat the 31 friends who had booked for megacena girellara METAL ROBOT / GNNET held at Herculaneum (find pictures in the special section ).
If I remember I had already 'told that I could only break free, and only on Sundays , And it 'was fortunate to be able to tear the Sabbath!
I regret very much, and 'was a whirling round of phone calls and that' continued into the night, with a lot of guys who insulted me on the phone for my absence. ... Sigh ... ..
Raga '. ... Be patient with this old (and tired) admin ... ... ... ... ... ..
I looked at your photos and the idea of \u200b\u200bassigning a placeholder / avatar for each and 'was a truly brilliant idea! And what I have seen there are also a lot of fun! Great
facciaccia the bad of who does it hurt!!
on Saturday (25-5)
That 'day was definitely the most' full of all.
When the evening, at 2:30 I was in bed literally SVEN of fatigue and today after four days I have calves that hurt me! What a day ... WHAT A DAY !!!!! At 8:15 I
Tetsuya / john Icarius we start to meet, but the wait goes on until 9:30 am because our fearless young men pulled up at 3 am during the dinner! And good!
It 's true that when the cat's away' the mice will play!
After taking cars and meters to arrive at the castle 10 about where we were waiting for the cream of users!
Grendizer that as soon as I saw a smile so Durbans' shiny enough to blind me!
ANDROMEDA (and lady) who bursts out laughing when I see it!
GIORGIO (and lady) that makes me a piercing look, I did not know if you would kiss me or
full blast ( )
Willy accompanied by Enzo Troiano (you know it?)
CHAR70 PATTY73 and with whom there 'was a very long hug (I think char has also excited )
And last but not least ... ... ... ELVIRA / kojimaniaka
Aunt Elvira has made me an early look so upset that for a moment and I' sembrato di vedere i raggi fotonici uscirle dagli occhi per disintegrarmi
Beh elvira era arrabbiata perche’ dopo tante promesse gli avevo tirato ben 2 bidoni …e aveva tutte le ragioni per essere arrabiata con me ! E chi la conosce sa benissimo che persona dolce e sensibile sia ……beh….elvi scusami ti prego
Dopo i saluti io e andrea siamo andati verso la zona accrediti per ritirare il nostro pass : non siamo riusciti a ritirarlo subito ma soltanto dopo l’arrivo del mitico e unico MAUI che con il suo savo…savua….safr……CON LA SUA SOLA IMPOSIZIONE DELLE MANI ………!!!!!!!........
Ha tirato fuori i nostri pass.
Ci sono stati dei momenti di “perdi mento” iniziale con vari casini annessi , ma credo sia normale quando ti ritrovi in una fiera del genere , e ora vi spiego.
Chi non e’ stato alla fiera ha potuto solo leggere della ressa e la MOLE di GENTE che c’era al napoli comicon : Credetemi ragazzi , voi non potete nemmeno minimamente immaginare la mole di persone che c’era
Un qualcosa di ABERRAMENTE SPAVENTOSO……..ovunque ti voltassi c’era gente e la fila ai biglietti andava quasi oltre la capacita’ visiva
Questo per quanto riguarda sia il sabato sia la domenica.
Pensate che Mia madre , che segue un macello Size of national and regional, I had already updated 'in the last days of the incredible publicity' made by the news and then it comes to visibility 'Comicon this is not' was just regionally, but just at national level.
Then let us not forget that in recent years, the Napoli Comicon has become known more and more 'bringing in the most campania' world famous authors as well as 'organized races so that they play more and more' caught on in recent years.
in view of that, 'as you have already' read in a special discussion, there have been some very significant problems:
It was about 12 and the gates are closed by army ordine!
Fuori si contano circa 3000 persone (anche se il tg regionale parlava di 5000 persone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Arriviamo alle 13:15 circa e mancano appena 15 minuti all inizio della conferenza…….e DOMENICO (handesigner) non si vede !!!! ( e manco sawatary )
Con audacia e coraggio il sottoscritto dice ai suoi di aspettarlo nella sala e si getta nella folla che si accalca ai cancelli : dopo aver lottato con cosplayers , poliziotti , servizio d’ordine interno e mocciosi vari riesco a strappare dalle mani della folla domenico e gli altri seguaci riuscendo a tirarli nella fiera ( non e’ vero , sono riusciti to enter only through the cunning of hand )
With them is 'the mythical DORIAN GRAVE: a top young man who delighted us with his photos (thanks comp'!) of few words but with the look lively , and we see that 'friend Peppino!
The Conference is held in front of a room not gremitissima (they were all outside the gates. ...) But still a sufficient number of people, including two guys who (I'd love to know who they were ... ..) giggling throughout the conference ... vabbe '
Anyway to open a discussion about the part where you read everything in detail.
Finita la conferenza ci siamo intrattenuti tutti per le foto !
Con noi avevamo ben 2 elementi “esterni” che mi hanno fatto riflettere molto su tante cose……..
Il primo elemento “esterno” erano le simpaticissime amiche di MAUI ( gabriella mon amour……. ) che son state con noi tutto il tempo con le quali abbiamo fatto un sacco di foto e speso un sacco ditempo!
Nonche’ distribuito le girelle insieme alla patty
Oltre a loro si e’ aggregato a noi una persona che ho semplicemente guardato negli occhi per capire che persona fosse:
sto parlando di AMON di MAZINGA WORLD.
Un ragazzo di a nice to say the least NUCLEAR (!!!!) and vitality 'unique! We were talking for just 30 seconds and it seemed we had known for 30 years!
has 'registered here as AmonDevilman we just have more' quiet the contact (perhaps even moving from where MW is not goin a bit '...)' cause ... ... .... Well ... .... Then read.
In the afternoon thanks to Ray and that 'fake moon's husband ( ) we had the honor of meeting our dear with which we were unfortunately very little!
What is most 'fun in the know and' was the fact that every time I said something was she glared at him ( ) .. type when I showed the ladies with skimpy clothes to his brother ( )
After the quick greetings we parted.
In the evening we organized a nice dinner at the home of Icarius where we stayed from 9:30 am to 2 am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are also
and 'aggregate willy's wife (holy woman! "But how do you endure that talker do not know ) for a total of nearly 20 hardcore forum girellari
Ravenous and even a bit angry
Raccontare la serata mi viene un po difficile………
Eravamo tanti , MA TANTI …sembrava quasi di stare sul forum! Gente che chiacchierava di qua , gente che giocava a biliardino di la’ , hand che disegnava schiavizzato dai presenti , gente che intanto sventrava il curriculum di immagini del povero hand
l'admin parla alla massa
Durante la serata abbiamo parlato di tantissime cose , ma gli argomenti che piu’ mi hanno fatto accorare sono stati alcuni chiarimenti con giorgio (anamici) e alcuni commenti su shin mazinger z dove ci siamo cimentati in un lunghissimo confronto dello stile between old and new series.
the background there was the TV at full capacity giving episodes of Mazinger Z, a statue of Leonidas and a Godzilla with a cigarette in his mouth ... .. and the timing of mussolini property 'of Icarius
After eating (a free ride) on the shoulders of the poor icarius (croquettes, rice balls, chicken, dessert, wine and coffee ': rtofl:) have made the 1:20 (!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!) and we went to greetings
not tell you! It was only the tears ... ... ... at some point I excited, I was disconnected from the group and I entered in auto…….al che vedo lorenzo avvicinarsi che mi fa “BESTIA MA A ME NON MI SALUTI ????”
Beh….il resto credo che siano cose che rimangono nel cuore e sono veramente difficili da descrivere a parole o da una tastiera.
E’ stata veramente un esperienza che non andra’ mai via dalla mia mente e soprattutto dal mio cuore.
Qualcuno mi accusa di “cacciare la gente dal forum perche’ non la pensano come me “
Di tutta risposta io dico che mentre c’e’ qualcuno che si accontenta di una foto autografata , io invece mi “accontento” di questi momenti che non andranno mai via.
E maui ? ... .... well ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Maurice, as he says, and 'went to dance ... .. however the next day waiting for him the sea ... ... ... .... As he says
Many describe him as a Lord ... ... .. and I would add that 'a great KEYS ... ... ... in the sense that the keys that open all the doors ... ... .. who understood?
Sunday (26/04)
Well, we got to Sunday ... ... .... Having been present
Fair only Saturday I have not had the opportunity to see much, but on Sunday I made up fully.
Castel s'elmo and 'I think a structure that goes well with a comic fair in that it allows to optimally "stalls" and exhibition, autographs, and artists that are proposed. Of course the paths that cross it often threaten to clog the overcrowded and sometimes there is a risk of not being able to walk, let alone not even glance at the stands for good.
If you take a look at the program you will notice that this fair and 'was enriched by great authors such as Alan Davis or gardeners who have made this very important event, and I can safely say che in italia il NAPOLI COMICON e’ un ottima alternativa a LUCCA COMICS che per antonomasia e’ da anni la mecca del fumetto.
Non per nitente a napoli ,2 anni fa , sono stati lanciati prodotti come UFO ROBOT GOLDRAKE in dvd.
Portare nuove serie alle fiere e’ come mettersi IN VETRINA , e farlo a fiere importanti come queste e’ BASILARE.
Per quanto riguarda il materiale presente in fiera , devo dire che siamo quasi (quasi) al pari dell anno scorso : per me la fiera e’ stata deludente e si sono salvati giusto una manciata di stands , sia per i prezzi che per i pezzi proposti.
Quello che ho notato e’ che in questa fiera erano presenti molto “vecchiume” e cianfrusaglia.
Per vecchiume non intendo quello che state pensando , e cioe’ materiale VINTAGE – che anzi era quasi carente rispetto agli anni scorsi – ma proprio serie manga e action figures che vengono proposte e riproposte a tutte le fiere dello stivale e che nessuno si fila.
Le cianfrusaglie : quest’anno mi e’ sembrata quasi piu’ presente la presenza di oggetti e oggettini fondamentalmente inutili (cappellini , peluches, spilline …)
I prezzi : che i prezzi in fiera siano pompati e pompatissimi e’ cosa saputa e risaputa , trita e ritrita.
Fino a 2 anni fa l’unico negozio che proponeva ottimi prezzi era il toys and joys di napoli , purtroppo assente da un biennio , ma all edizione scorsa e questa i prezzi spesso erano improponibili (gackeen 400 euro , Iron Z 150 , Shin getter black 350…………….) e per fare qualche affare si e’ dovuto attendere la fine della fiera dove io e icarius ci siamo cuccati un garaga (57 euro) e un ultraman chogokin (57 euro)
Sentite questa : dei dvd manco l’ombra.
Gli unici ad avere questi oggetti erano il millenium shop di scafati (che saluto!) e lo star shop di napoli ………dei dvd chiesti nessuno aveva notizia dei dvd di GRENDIZER , pero’ dei dvd di Goldrake c’era qualche traccia qua e la.
Deluso si , sono rimasto un po deluso , anche se comunque ho trovato tutto quello che cercavo , ma speravo di avere piu’ scelta.
…lo sapete che domenica ad un certo punto c’erano piu’ cosplayers che persone vestite normalmente ?
…lo sapete che domenica ad un certo punto hanno dovuto interrompere l’afflusso di persone all interno della sala magna (dove abbiamo fatto la conferenza..) per la mole di gente all interno ?
Guardate e’ stata un qualcosa di ABOMINEVOLE ! Un boom di sti cosplayers impressionante !
Piu’ degli altri anni !
Se dovessi dare un voto finale a questo napoli comicon io gli affiderei un bel 8+.
La mia pergamena e’ finita ,''There's only one little thing that would keep saying,
yesterday I spoke with a person who was with us to dinner at the home of Andrea. This
person at a certain point I said something, and he told me
"... that night I felt as if I were a family ..." This sentence
for me has much more 'value of one thousand One thousand autographs and magazines
facciaccia ugly people say that I cast from the forum the people who do not think like me.
little note here
chat - with type char: Char
excuse! but say what you think of the stage to talk about gundam? But it
ca220 I know! ca220 but I care! but do you want from me ........!!!! ca220
Char excuse! but what about the crowd that has' formed on the outside?
ca220 But I know that! ca220 but I care! but do you want from me ........!!!! ca220
Char excuse! but am I wrong or have hair out of place?
ca220 But I know that! ca220 but I care! but do you want from me ........!!!! ca220
Char excuse! but what about the crisis facing Italy?
ca220 But I know that! ca220 but I care! but do you want from me ........!!!! ca220
Char excuse! but ... what time is it? But
ca220 I know! ca220 but I care! but do you want from me ........!!!! ca220
thanks elvi
Visit the other threads :
The announcement of the presence of Go
and photos available on the forum: t = 38783156
Posted by Godzilla:
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wholesale Dancewear Suppliers
GONAGAI.NET at Napoli Comicon 2009! Details
Well, finally we can give all the details of this event announced.
The conference we're going to propose will be divided into three parts
Presentation of the Forum and staff involved in the project
History of Gundam in Italy and their commercial phenomena (DVDs, comics, gadrget, etc ...)
Presentation of the book and the works of people who participated in the contest or who have contributed their work in sections fansart
Followed PROJECTION OF THE FIRST TWO EPISODES OF THE FIRST SERIES OF GUNDAM (Thanks for giving Dynit and Mr. Cavazzoni for the infinite availability)
on stage with me there will be Godzilla, Char, Hand and Icarius designer.
There will be other surprises, but obviously not there because we say you must be present.
I am attaching the official poster of the event and also if someone wants to use the banner on your site to link to this event
Well, finally we can give all the details of this event announced.
The conference we're going to propose will be divided into three parts
Presentation of the Forum and staff involved in the project
History of Gundam in Italy and their commercial phenomena (DVDs, comics, gadrget, etc ...)
Presentation of the book and the works of people who participated in the contest or who have contributed their work in sections fansart
Followed PROJECTION OF THE FIRST TWO EPISODES OF THE FIRST SERIES OF GUNDAM (Thanks for giving Dynit and Mr. Cavazzoni for the infinite availability)
on stage with me there will be Godzilla, Char, Hand and Icarius designer.
There will be other surprises, but obviously not there because we say you must be present.
I am attaching the official poster of the event and also if someone wants to use the banner on your site to link to this event
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Pokemon Leaf Green Mac
GONAGAI.NET invited to the Napoli Comicon 2009!
E TOMINO UNIVERSE by GONAGAI.NET presentano: Gundam, i 30 anni italiani del Mobile Suite Bianco.
Intervengono XXXXX del forum
A seguire, proiezione di Gundam ep.1 e 2
that it is sponsoring the event!
STAFF GONAGAI.NET thanks Mr. :: Maui:: for the incredible commitment, perseverance and dedication to this project. Maurizio
without you we could not have ever made, thanks.
Well guys, what say? I do not even know me! 'Cause the joy and' very much!
Thanks to the work of Maurizio and 'could get a front row seat on event of the year, and you know what? We are not the spectators, but the crowd that bathes the castle that houses the event! We
them on Saturday for our book on gundam and present the first 2 episodes of the series, more 'a few other surprises that only gradually reveal!
this discussion for now and 'provisional as it remains to define certain things, so stay tuned!!
Aggiornamento del 6 aprile
E TOMINO UNIVERSE by GONAGAI.NET presentano: Gundam, i 30 anni italiani del Mobile Suite Bianco.
Intervengono XXXXX del forum
A seguire, proiezione di Gundam ep.1 e 2
Il giorno prefissato รจ
SABATO 25 APRILE cambio di orario: ore 13.30-15.30
that it is sponsoring the event!
STAFF GONAGAI.NET thanks Mr. :: Maui:: for the incredible commitment, perseverance and dedication to this project. Maurizio
without you we could not have ever made, thanks.
Well guys, what say? I do not even know me! 'Cause the joy and' very much!
Thanks to the work of Maurizio and 'could get a front row seat on event of the year, and you know what? We are not the spectators, but the crowd that bathes the castle that houses the event! We
them on Saturday for our book on gundam and present the first 2 episodes of the series, more 'a few other surprises that only gradually reveal!
this discussion for now and 'provisional as it remains to define certain things, so stay tuned!!
Posted by Godzilla:
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