Friday, December 31, 2010

Case To Fit Nikon D80

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

On the Facebook group "Nightwishers" is running a contest. You need to create an avatar photo to the group. The subject of course to be Nightwish. The photos will receive more "Like" is used as the image of the group a month. While the 2nd and 3rd place will become the group's image for 2 weeks ( Here are my proposals. "Nightwishers The Pendulum"

Nightwishers Amaranth
Nightwishers Whoever Bring The Night
vote on them to go to the group
, subscribe, go to the pictures you like and click "Mi Piace"

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dose Green Tea Have Horse Pee

Nightwishers contest

Se a Capodanno i vostri segnaposto sono piaciuti, e gli ospiti vogliono ritornare da pranzo/cena da voi perchè voglio sedersi alla vostra tavolata decorata a tema, allora ecco anche i segnaposti per la Befana.

10cmx10cm tot. 10cmx5cm half
"Placeholder Epiphany"

Dimensioni tot.: 10cmx10cm Dimensioni a metà: 10cmx5cm
"Segnaposto Befana"

Monday, December 27, 2010

Whats Dreams Punta Cana's Beach Like?

Placeholder Placeholder New Year Epiphany

you have many guests for lunch or dinner on December 31 or January 1? Want to avoid confusion when it comes time to sit at the table? "I put myself here!", "I want to be close to Tom," "And I near Caio. All resolved, with placeholders New Year. Just print this page and gold on the line write the name of the host. Then cut along the gray line along the side and bent the middle:)

"placeholder NEW YEAR"
Total size: 10cmx10cm
half Size: 10cmx5cm

"Coraline e la porta magica" realtà era per halloween 2009, ma non l'ho mai pubblicato. Così mi sono deciso a colorarlo e a pubblicarlo un anno dopoXD

Change From Russia To English Morrowind

Questo qua sotto è un disegno che ho fatto nel 2009 in occasione del film

Commenti pleaseeeeeeeee *.*

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why Do My Husband Have Wet Dreams

Coraline and the magic door

Well, yes. Already you can find on the internet the first news for the next edition of TRICASE COMICS
La Locandina di TRICASE COMICS
dello scorso anno.
2011. And I already have the story ready for the competition ... I just put a comic opera with drawings:) Here insert
3 entry forms, one for the animated short films, one for the thumbnails and a comic .

Article 1 The City of Tricase index on 1 competition for animated shorts: "Tricasecomics 2011" as an event related to the event Tricasecomics, a singular event in the world of comics and cartoons, which held in Tricase (LE) 20, 21 and 22 May 2011 at Palazzo Gallone in the old city. Article 2 The competition is open to all.
Tricasecomics is an event organized by the Municipality with the help of volunteers, associations and schools in the area and is now in its third edition with an insolvency comics, this year we want to give fans the opportunity to also animation to engage in this exciting and imaginative race by sending animated shorts on any subject.

Article 3 The competition is free and is made in one section. The theme of the short film is free and can be made with any technique. The duration of the movie must be 30 seconds up to a maximum of 10 minutes. The term includes both titles that queue. The works of less than or greater than the allotted time will be excluded from participation in the contest.
movies can be published or unpublished (submitted to other competitions, but they have not been produced before 2009).
Each participant will compete only with a short film.
The video should start directly with the movie, which should not contain introductory menu, presentation, advertising, etc. ..
Article 4
To join the person must:
send, by registered letter, No. 1 copies of the short film competition on DVD video at the following address: -
Contest for short films " Tricasecomics "c / o arcmin Via Cadorna, No. 109-73039 Tricase (LE) 'tel. 0833/543046 e-mail and fax.

Each DVD will contain only a video and must be accompanied by the registration form duly completed and signed in its entirety.
On DVD must be entered the name and telephone number of the participant.
The deadline is the date of April 20, 2011 urgent.
The package must contain the entry form must complete all the required data and countersigned in its entirety. The application form can be downloaded from the website of the City of Tricase from blogs and sites and . For packages received after that date will be the postmark. INVESTMENTS WITH CARDS DI ISCRIZIONE NON COMPILATE IN OGNI SUA PARTE SARANNO CESTINATE.
Non sono ammesse sostituzioni di dvd.
L’Amministrazione Comunale non è responsabile per plichi danneggiati e/o pervenuti in ritardo e per eventuali furti o smarrimenti. Le spese di spedizione sono a carico dei partecipanti. Plichi tassati saranno rifiutati.
Art. 5
E’ gradito (ma non obbligatorio) un cd-rom in allegato al plico contenente foto del film (backstage e foto di scena) significative per la compilazione di un eventuale catalogo della manifestazione. Il partecipante, inviando le immagini per la pubblicazione, ne assume la piena responsabilità e ne autorizza la pubblicazione per tutti gli usi connessi al concorso. L’Amministrazione disclaims any responsibility from now on.
Shipping costs are borne by the participants. Taxed packages will be refused.
Article 6
you agree that the Administration use the materials submitted for informational purposes / cultural such as: •
making movies for the awards ceremony with its projection of the courts;
• broadcasted on TV, satellite TV, digital is that the entire short extracts of the same;
• Advertising in the official website;
• paper publications; •
and events for cultural, artistic, educational and informative;
• free streaming on the official website

and for any other use permitted by law non-profit and without anything due to the author, while enhancing the citation.
The material will not be returned and will remain at AC Tricase in memory of the event.
The removal from the archive must be specifically requested by registered A / R

Article 7 The competition entries will be judged by a panel chaired by Domenico Rosa illustrator of "Il Sole 24 Ore". The jury's decision is final.

Article 8 will be awarded to the first three winners which will be delivered to the plate, and any certificate and other prizes to be established. Winners will be notified by e-mail or phone that must be included in the registration form. The award ceremony will take place May 21, 2011 in the Throne Room of Palazzo Gallone Tricase. When the winners were not present, it will be the AC send out a prize at their own expense at the home. Article 9
The participant declares that he owns all rights to use the work, without exception, and that the contents thereof shall not violate any laws. E 'aware that false statements constitute an offense punishable law. The participant also declares that the work does not contain libelous, racial, religious or otherwise contrary to law. In this case, the jury can decide to exclude the movie. The participant raises the Municipality from any liability for the content of the movie. The City Council accepts no liability.

Article 10 Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all provisions of this Regulation. The City Council will decide on matters not expressly provided. email:
and fax 0833/543046 website:


Competition Manager: Dr. Andrea Facchini cell. 393/2159882

Tricase Miniatures Contest

RULES The competition is open to everyone (individuals, associations, artisans, schools, etc.).. Each participant can compete with up to three works per category, the award categories will be made upon registration.


The miniatures and dioramas, it must be absolutely pornographic, profane, political, lewd, excessively violent or which cause discomfort or annoyance to visitors (in case of doubt or ambiguity possible trial can be contacted by the staff for a assessment work). Immediate disqualification from the Organizers.
E 'permitted the inclusion of models built by many hands, if properly credited (eg sculpture of X, Y, painting, or diorama made by X and Y). They are like pictures of "work in progress" (3-4 photos, approximately 10 x 15) to explain to visitors and judges work. The competition wants to navigate the wide world of comics on the optics, Fantasy and Science Fiction, but will not be denied participation in works of historical, sporting or otherwise, while taking into account the lower value that the work could take in the context of the event.


The competition is divided into two categories:


Human and humanoid monsters, mount up, motorcycles and similar vehicles and war machines fantasy SF. All pieces in the competition can be processed more or less heavily on DIY or decorative bases; condition for the model presented is also evaluated for the sculpture / drawing è la presentazione, insieme al modello, di una foto (circa 10x15) che mostri il “work in progress” del modello, ma può anche andar bene, nel caso di elaborazione, una immagine del modello di partenza. Questo per far maggiormente apprezzare a giuria e pubblico il lavoro che c’è sotto il colore. Nel caso in cui nella lavorazione della basetta vi sia una eccedente presenza di elementi scenici o il tentativo di ricreare una scena di senso compiuto, l’organizzazione si riserva la possibilità di spostare d’ufficio nella classe VIGNETTA o DIORAMA i pezzi iscritti nella categoria MINIATURA SINGOLA.
Scenette con senso compiuto e diorami max 50x50 cm di lato. La Giuria si riserva il diritto di accettare o meno diorami eccedenti queste misure, dipendendo dagli spazi espositivi a disposizione. VALUTAZIONE:
Tutti i lavori saranno sottoposti al giudizio di una giuria nominata dall’organizzazione della manifestazione. La giuria determinerà una classifica basandosi sulla propria sensibilità artistica e umana, in considerazione della qualità della realizzazione, dei valori dei contenuti, della forma espositiva e delle emozioni suscitate. Il giudizio della giuria sarà inappellabile e insindacabile. VINCITORI:
Il concorso prevede l’assegnazione di un primo e un secondo premio per ogni categoria.
La consegna dei modelli, sarà possibile nella settimana precedente la manifestazione. Date, orari e modalità di consegna, dovranno essere concordate contattando lo staff. SICUREZZA E CONTROLLO: I modelli saranno esposti al riparo da agenti atmosferici in ambiente chiuso (sale del Palazzo Gallone), durante l’arco dell’intera manifestazione saranno coperti da assicurazione. Si declina ogni responsabilità in caso di danneggiamento dei modelli nelle operazioni di allestimento/disallestimento.
L’Amministrazione Comunale e l’organizzazzione si impegnerà a fornire un minimo grado di sorveglianza degli stessi per tutta la durata del concorso mediante Personal recognizable by a special card. The housing of the work will be determined on the sole discretion of Staff Tricasecomics. The City Council may grant permission to others to do television and photographic work on display, without the authors to advance criticisms or disputes of any kind.


The models on display will be collected at the end of the event, after closing the doors to the public or at most the next day. The City Council and staff of the organization do not assume the responsibility of the models is not removed within the specified time frame.
models will still be kept in proper place, waiting to be claimed by their owner. If they are not removed within one week after the exhibition, the work will become property of the City. It can not be withdrawn in any way before or during the event. The City Council will hold harmless from any liability for any damage or injury of the works in the build-up and dismantling of the destination.

CONTACT: Paul R Coppola


tel: 3807738578

Daniela Esposito

tel: 3484497512

To download forms:

facebook group: tricasecomics 2011


- Tricasecomics 2011 -

"You have a friend in me"

Article 1 - Subject of the competition
The Department of Culture and Youth Policies announces the contest "You a friend in me "(stories of fantasy on the theme of freedom). The friendship feeling as important as the social bond accompanied by a feeling of mutual affection and live between two or more persons of the same or different sex, but also between humans and animals. Friendship as an attitude towards others characterized by a strong emotional foundation and social life of the individual.
The work will be most deserving of the exhibition to be held on 21 and 22 May 2011 c / o Palazzo dei Principi gallons Tricase, as an event related to the event Tricasecomics 2011.

2 - Participation competition The competition is free and open to everyone. Participants will be divided into the following categories:
Cat "Baby" from 6 to 11 years; Cat "Junior" from 12 to 14 years;

Cat Senior aged 15 and over.
3 - Timing and mode of delivery of the works
no later than April 30, 2011 work must be:-
sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, to:
Contest Tricasecomics - City of Tricase - Department of Culture and Youth Policies - c / o Biblioteca Comunale - Via G. Toma, 20-73039 Tricase (LE); - hand-delivered at the Centre CAPSDA, via S. Spirit 11 - Piazzetta Dell'Abate - Tricase (LE) or at the Biblioteca Comunale Via G. Toma, 20 - Tricase (LE).
The package must contain the entry form must complete all the required data and countersigned in its entirety. The application form can be downloaded from the website of the City of Tricase, the blog site and - For packages received after that date will be the postmark. 4 - Features the works
The author will have to invent a story which has as its theme the one shown above. may be made in any technique, in black and white or color. The choice of subject, the characters and the story is to be free, provided it is not inspired by actors, characters or events taken from original works of other authors. Participants severally guarantee the originality of the material presented.
If the resulting works already published, it will be declared the immediate exclusion. The design may be the work of a single author or a work group. You can use pseudonyms, in this case, however, should indicate the names and actual data of the authors. The comic strip is to be made exclusively on sheets of A4 (minimum 1 sheet up to a maximum of 4 sheets), using only a facade. will not be allowed to contest the work carried out on both sides of the paper. should be sent only originals, not photocopies will be accepted and the works submitted by mail. The sheets should not be stapled or bound, as will be the subject of shows or other action related to the promotion of the event.
On the back of each sheet left blank will be included in pencil on the author or authors, the telephone number and category. Each work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form duly completed with personal information and contact details of the author / s.
For group work to fill the registration form for each member. For participants under age, it is necessary that the application form is countersigned by a parent or guardian for permission. Failure to present the card or statement of particulars or the details of the design will be excluded from the competition.

5 - Composition of the jury
The competition entries will be judged by a panel chaired by Paolo Di Girolamo designer and pioneer of Italian. The jury's decision is final.

6 - Prizes (to be determined)
designers will be awarded the first two finishers for each category. The jury reserves the right to report any works to be exhibited at the exhibition to be held in Tricase 21 to 22 May 2011, during the "Tricasecomics 2011. Only for the Senior category was established the first prize which consists of a frequency of one academic year provided free by the International School of Comics - home to Pescara.

7 - Liability
Competitors enable the processing and transmission of personal data within the limits and for the purposes of the Competition Act (675/1996) and raise the organizers of any responsibility for all matters which may arise, including damage, theft or fire of the works in transit and remain on display.
The authors acknowledge the City of Tricase the right to use their works in the catalog, posters, leaflets or other printed matter relating to the exhibition, and any other useful support to the promotion thereof. The City Council for its part is committed in each case to cite the author.

8 -
Award The award ceremony will take place May 21, 2011 in the Throne Room of Palazzo Gallone Tricase. When the winners were not present, it will be communicating AC agli interessati la notizia ed a inviare a proprie spese l’apposito premio presso il domicilio.

Art. 9 – Accettazione delle norme del bando di concorso
La partecipazione al concorso implica la completa ed incondizionata accettazione del presente regolamento.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Women In Slippers Clipart

Grendizer returns to TV

Da 3 giorni è iniziata a circolare la voce insistente, e sembra anche veritiera, del ritorno di Goldrake in Tv, e parliamo di ITALIA 1.
Da Gennaio alle ore 13.40, ricomincerà la serie che ha segnato un'epoca. Le domande. le curiosità sono molte.

Per saperne di più seguici sul nostro forum


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Hepents With Barby Kelly


E ieri sono tornato a casa. Dopo una settimana di vacanza in ritorna al paese d'origineXD.... E' stata una bella settimana. Venerdì sono andato a Lucca Comics...ho speso un po' di soldi insieme a mia cugina Mirella, ma ci siamo divertiti^^ Giorgio Messina della Cagliostro E-Press mi ha detto di mandargli le tavole della parodia di Elyzabeth per pubblicarla...quindi non mi resta che mettermi sotto e terminarla :) Il viaggio si è concluso in lascio a questo biglietto del treno con una frase...a buon intenditor poche paroleXD

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Replace Analogue To Digital Tuner In Dvd Recorder


Dal 29 ottobre al 1° novembre 2010
potrete passare quattro giorni tra, fumetti, giochi, cosplay, action figures e molto altro....tutto questo è


Io sarò presente il 29 ottobre in giro (insieme a mia cugina

) per il padiglione degli editori. Molto probabilmente ci fermeremo per un po' allo stand della
Cagliostro E-Press

so my cousin can register any sign of his two comic

"Elyzabeth - Dark Vision of the Moon"

and "Runningwolf Mirari. If all goes well I will make a small exhibition of the spoof

"Elyzabeth - vision of the Dark Room" and some

disegnuccio live
^ ^ So do not miss it! See you in Lucca)

NB: Both comics Mirella, "Elyzabeth - Dark Vision of the Moon" and "Runningwolf Mirari" can be purchased online through the site
clicking on the logo of Cagliostro E-Press, in comics stores order through the catalog "Preview" or in exhibitions of comic Italian (Lucca Comics, Romix etc.)

Friday, October 22, 2010

How Long For Bladder Cancer To Grow

Lucca Comics and Games 2010

Happy Halloween everyone! !
Elyzabeth - Vision of the Dark Room

How To Use Inebrya Ice Cream Hair Dye

Premio Letterario “Montanaru”

What To Write In My Brothers Wedding Card

Montagna Produce 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Syringe Filling Machine

Elyzabeth - Dark vision of the Room illustrazione halloween

Here is another illustration of the parody "Elyzabeth dark vision of the room."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Official Rules For Frustration The Game

Premio Letterario “Montanaru”

Department of Culture
Edition Literary Award "Montanaru"

Invitation Competition
E 'opened the nineteenth edition of "Literary Prize Montanaru" to be held in the City of Desulo November 1, 2010.
The competition aims to study and promote the values \u200b\u200band culture of the Sardinian people and seeks to stimulate alla loro scoperta le nuove generazioni. Obiettivi particolari del Premio sono la difesa e valorizzazione della lingua sarda anche nelle espressioni letterarie così come, con le sue opere, ha mirabilmente dimostrato il grande poeta desulese Antioco Casula "Montanaru".
Il Concorso si articola:
Prima sezione 
A, B, aperta a tutti.
C riservata ai poeti estemporanei di Desulo o di origine desulese.
Seconda sezione  – aperta a tutti
Terza sezione  – riservata agli alunni delle quinte elementari e agli studenti iscritti and attending secondary school 1st and 2nd degree of the Province of Nuoro.
Fourth experimental section reserved for schools Desulo
Competitors are given the option to express themselves in any - without exception - the varieties of the Sardinian language.
The theme is free for sections 1 -3 ^ -4 ^ ^.

SECTION 1, "A" in the Sardinian language

€ 1000.00 1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize € 500.00 € 300.00
Prose in the Sardinian language

1° premio € 1.000,00
2° premio € 500,00
3° premio € 300,00

1° premio € 450,00
2° premio € 300,00
3° premio € 150,00

Riguardante un qualunque aspetto (storico, sociale, economico, linguistico) della montagna sarda
Premio unico € 1.000,00
"A" in the Sardinian language

€ 300.00 1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize € 200.00 € 150.00
"B" in the Sardinian language

1, € 300.00
prize 2nd prize 3rd prize € 200.00 € 150.00
experimental section reserved for schools Desulo
(School Children 1st and 2nd grade)
Dramaturgy in the Sardinian language "B"
(3 rd element 4) in the Sardinian language
1st prize 1st prize € 250.00 € 250.00 € 150.00
2nd prize 2nd prize 3rd prize
€ 150.00 € 100.00 € 100.00 3rd prize
a Work of Art 1st and 2nd section, new and never presented in any other competition, should be sent, under penalty of exclusion, not later than September 30, 2010 (it will be the date of postmark). ^ The works of the 3rd section (reserved for schools) will be sent only by the individual institutions to which the parties belong and received no later than October 10, 2010. Entries the 4th section must be received by November 30, 2010.
Papers in ten (10) typed copies must be signed with a pseudonym. The author's name, address and telephone number, including the name, must be attached to the package containing the work in separate envelopes, sealed up all the edges closed. In a card, placed the two bags, the contestant must indicate the section for which it participates. You can not enter more than an elaborate. The theme is free for Sections 1 ^ - 3 ^ - ^ 4. All the papers, for any section, should be addressed to:
SECRETARIAT literary prize "Montanaru"
C / o Public Library - PO Box n ° 89 - Via Lamarmora - 08032 Desulo NU
Article 2 Poems must not exceed 40 lines and prose written in 10 pages of 30 lines by 50 characters. E 'permitted to compete in the faculty sections. And 'welcome any explanation of particular words or phrases.
Article 3 The entries will be judged by a special jury composed of experts and cultural figures and the school. Juries may wish to allocate to elaborate on reports that have not obtained one of the prizes. If they deem appropriate in relation to the level of works sent to the Jury may decide not to allocate some of the awards. With the intention to grant more opportunities and young poets and prose writers, however, and newcomers and to stimulate literary activity will be considered by the jury for a maximum of a report on how many they have won a prize in the previous 2009 edition.
Article 4 The official announcement of the winners and the awards ceremony, on the 1st 2nd and 3rd section, will take place November 1, 2010. Winners will be notified in time by written notice. Will be notified of the award to schools belonging to the winning students. The unjustified absence at the event Delivery shall be construed as a waiver premium. The official announcement of the winners and the awards ceremony of the 4th section, reserved for schools Desulo, will, in a special event and representation of the winning works during the Christmas holidays.
Article 5 The work will remain the property of the City of Desulo that holds the publishing rights and other possible cultural use (in whole or in part). The Comedy Awards will be represented at any Desulo.
Article 6 Particular attention will be paid, on the 1st Section D - composition of an essay, "to the works of young scholars. At this About the Jury reserves the right to hear the opinion of other experts on individual subjects.
Failure to comply with Article 7 of the Regulations of the prize will be excluded from the competition.

Extreme Thirst And Stomach Pain

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Detrivores Decomposition

Desulo processioni sacre Corpus Domini e Sant’Antonio Abate 13 Giugno 2010

Program: arrival to the country of Desulo at 11.00. Visit the old town of Issiria, with houses typical of shale. Visit to textile factory, where you will see the spinning of wool, processing dell'orbace and the embroidery of traditional costumes desulese.
lunch with pastors in local produce, sausages, ham, roast piglet ricotta cheese, bread typical Desulo wine.
After lunch with the pastor, will participate in the sacred events. The procession starts from parishes across the country. Only in Sardinia, the groups of holy prioress who dressed the typical dress desulese accompany the saint.
Depart in the evening.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

10 Inch Digital Frame

Villa di 5 appartamenti situata a San Teodoro (Loc. Lu Fraili)

  • 5 unità abitative di 70mq ciascuna con ingresso indipendente.
  • Piacevolmente arredate e dotate di veranda esterna
  • Parcheggio custodito, ampio giardino barbecue esterno.
Ogni appartamento è composto:

  • Cucina, completamente arredata e soggiorno
  • Bagno con doccia e lavatrice in ogni appartamento
  • Camera da letto matrimoniale
  • Camera da letto con due letti singoli,
  • Autoclave external
  • Outdoor Shower
Max 6 people per apartment. Ideal for families.

30% deposit upon booking with money order, balance on arrival with the keys.
Distance 3 km from San Teodoro. Nearest beach Puntaldia (Lu Impostu) 2 km from the house.
Near the villa, 200 m there is a bar restaurant pizzeria, food kiosk.
Available for rent from May 15 until October.
For more information call the number: 3485968454

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Does A Scorpio Sleep Around?

Dal supramonte alle più belle cale del golfo di orosei

A journey that leads us to find out more 'beautiful bays of the Gulf of Orosei, and to live their history together with local pastors ... ...
dates are yet to be defined, anyone interested in participating in the program can write to our e-mail:
so we will send you the detailed program. It starts from the valley of
Oddoene Dorgali, and you sleep for 5 days visiting the camp's civilians. We will visit the Cale, Sisine Cala, Cala Cala Mariolu and Goloritzè.
Environmental highly professional guides will accompany us for this wonderful adventure
What are you waiting to join us

Monday, January 18, 2010

Psychometric Software

Impianto Neve a Desulo, località "S'Arena"

The treadmill designed with the latest technology allows the return of 100 m, in the slopes cross S'Arena in the land of Desulo.

This modern facility opened a week ago, in addition to skiing on snow during the spring allows you to ski on a synthetic track.

ascent of 100m

Plant type: treadmill

Level of difficulty circuit: blue, slope less than 25% pass

Cost: 10 €

Doughnut snow: 5 €

Railroad track as a map from the restaurant on Filariu proposes typical lunch costs reasonable.

Anyone interested in spending a weekend in Desulo and take advantage of this great opportunity please contact us, we will organize a fantastic weekend in the snow.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Travestis De Illinois

Aspettando la Neve

The weather forecast said that surely will come Sunday in Sardinia snow.
We can do is hope to see our Gennargentu completely white, so you can organize fun days full of fun sulle nostre bellissime montagne innevate.
Vi salutiamo e ricordiamo a tutti che siamo a completa disposizione per organizzare un week-end nel paese di Desulo