Subscriptions every day from Monday 'till Friday from 16 to 19
our headquarters in Via Santa Lucia 13
Reggio Calabria
Under the patronage of the town of Reggio Calabria
the cultural association Reggio Village organizes:
the cultural association Reggio Village organizes:
"One vs. One"
1, pro evolution soccer 2009 tournament in the city of Reggio Calabria.
The tournament will take away November 25, 2009, at tick away, poor wretch, 9 Reggio Calabria next walkway.
can participate all the fans of this game, provided we have completed 18 years of age or having completed 15 years of age at the time of the request by their parents or whoever takes guardian.
The cost for registration is 12 €.
To register, please contact
l'organizzazione all'indirizzo mail
Il primo classificato riceverà in premio la splendida consolle PS3 3 e coppa ricordo
Saranno premiati anche 2° 3° e 4° classificato con targhe ricordo e buoni acquisto.
Cosa aspetti? contattaci!!!
1. I partecipanti al torneo devono essere maggiorenni o se minorenni ,
autorizzati per iscritto sulla scheda d’iscrizione da un genitore o da chi ne fa le veci .
2. I partecipanti potranno accedere al torneo solo dopo aver concluso l’iter
d’iscrizione come da punto 3.
3. In order for the registration process is completed and accepted as valid by the Board
participants must fill out the registration form, read the rules,
pay the registration fee amounting to € 12.00 at the host
4. Participants in the tournament must be present 20 minutes before the start of their performance
bearing its identification, date and place determined by the organization in accordance with the schedule of the tournament.
5. Participants are allowed a maximum delay of 5 minutes penalty defeat at the table. The verdict is final
6. The tournament provides the preliminary stages of qualification, groups of 4 players one way. From each group the first of each group goes to the next step.
7. The timetable for each stage of the tournament will be visible on the site in the
calendar or communicated via e-mail address provided on the registration form.
8. All participants are required to check their e-mail to verify
the organization's communications, the need for any
participants can contact the organization through the website and e-mail.
9. All participants who have not completed in time for more information from
structures host will not be included in the schedule for the preliminary stages and consequently
excluded from this tournament and entered into the next. The organization's verdict is final.
the delivery deadline is 25/10/2009
10. All participants accept and comply with any changes of dates and places
determined necessary by the Board upon notice by e-mail.
11. In the event of a draw where both players have the same preference
team will proceed with the coin toss for the choice of the mesh, following an agreement between players
12. Participants will not cede in any way and for any reason your registration, so will have to
considered except in case of absence or abandonment of the game position
13. The organization is not responsible for damage that a participant or participants can bring
the structure that hosts the event or the equipment involved for implementation. Therefore
with the acceptance and signature of the regulation (mandatory condition for participation) each participant
assumes its responsibility to the occurrence of any unfortunate event.
14. Participants must have a correct conduct and strictly adhere to the regulation,
• It is forbidden to offend or ridicule the opponent.
• Do not assume an attitude in case of defeat threatening.
• Do not swear or curse in the game.
• Do not interrupt the game unless authorized by the commission.
• Do not answer the phone or send mms, sms, email etc.. during the game. • Smoking is prohibited
• You may have people around who are not members of the committee. Wife, children, girlfriends, friends, will have a dedicated area to see the performance of the game. For all points
art. 16 during the game there are two yellow cards to the player on third
exclusion from the tournament.
15. There shall be no draw, and then only at the discretion of the Committee.
16. I in tournament play with: PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2009
17. Play station personal are not allowed, only those provided by the organization
18. Each game will have a maximum duration of 10 minutes (as playstation stopwatch) for
preliminary stages of qualification are not provided extra time. For 10 minutes instead
qualifications (such as time trial playstation) plus two extra times
(as stopwatch playstation) and penalty kicks.
19. All participants must follow all state form of the players (yellow arrows, high oblique).
20. Joy will go the pad / joystick 1 and 2 to draw for each competition by agreement between the players (the Participants who wish to use their own joy pad / joystick are free to take it as an alternative, the organizers will provide two joy pads / joysticks).
21. Participants are allowed a maximum time of 2 minutes for the setting of training and
patterns of play.
22. Applies to all participants in the tournament in case of power failure or malfunction of the DVD player or
support the fight will be repeated. The jury's decision is final.
23. Each participant accepts no constraints as well as the regulation was written,
also accepting any changes that may be submitted to ensure the smooth running of the tournament banner
della trasparenza.
24. Ogni partecipante viene selezionato in ordine d’iscrizione con sistema casuale a sorteggio
25. Ogni partecipante accetta senza riserva la possibilità di gareggiare con un avversario senza
considerare l’età un problema .
26. E’ vietato caricare dalla propria memory card qualsiasi file opzioni indipendentemente
da cosa questo contenga. Chi contravverrà a tale norma verrà squalificato dal torneo.
27. E’ vietato fermare il gioco mettendo in pausa per più di 3 volte a partita. La pausa potrà
essere chiamata solo a palla ferma. Chi contravverrà a tale norma verrà prima richiamato
dallo staff organizzativo e, qualora persistesse this type of behavior,
will be disqualified from the tournament.
28. In the event that a participant had to move away from the game during the tournament
and, at its meeting time to play, should be
unavailable, will be disqualified from the competition directly
PS 2
Exhibition Match-
Camera Type Normal
Vista Balloon Room
Both national teams club teams (the team will be the same for the duration of the tournament ). GENERAL SETTINGS
In home and away
No Game Type: TS
No Game Type: CR
number of substitutions
Match Duration 10 min. Night Time
Summer Season
Weather conditions Clear
San Siro Stadium
type ball
Terms: C. and F.
Yellow arrows, high oblique
To register via Reggio Calabria Saint Lucia 13
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