is' opened the eighteenth edition of the literary prize "Montanaru" to be held in the City of Desulo October 31, 2009. The competition aims to study and promote the values \u200b\u200band culture of the Sardinian people and their discovery will encourage the younger generation. Specific objectives of the Prize are the protection and promotion of the Sardinian language, even in the literary as well as wonderfully demonstrated by his works by the great poet Antioco Casula desulese Montanaru.
The competition is divided into the following sections:
- First section - open to all.
- Second section - reserved for pupils of the fifth elementary students enrolled and attending high school 1st and 2nd degree of the Province of Nuoro.
- Third section dedicated to the poets of extemporaneous Desulo desulese or origin.
experimental section - reserved for students of first, second, third and fourth elementary (section B) and students attending the school for 5 years childhood (section A) of the province of Nuoro.
The theme will be expressed by the students in a manner appropriate to their age, with free forms and techniques. Competitors are given the option to express themselves in any - without exception - variants of the Sardinian language. The theme is open to all sections. The proceedings of the 1st and 3rd section, new and never presented in any other competition, should be sent, under penalty of exclusion, not later than September 30, 2009 (it will be the date of postmark). The works of the 2nd competition and the experimental section (reserved for schools) will be sent only to care of individual institutions to which the parties belong and be received no later than October 10, 2009. The works in ten (10) typed copies must be signed with a pseudonym. The author's name, address and
telephone number, including the name, must be attached to the package containing the work in separate envelopes, sealed up all the edges closed. In a card, placed the two bags, the contestant must indicate the section for which it participates. You can not enter more than an elaborate. The theme is free for all sezioni.Tutti the papers, to any section intended
must be sent to:
SECRETARIAT literary prize "Montanaru"
C / o Public Library - PO Box n ° 89 - Via Lamarmora -
Desulo NU 08032
Poems must not exceed 40 lines and prose written in 10 pages of 30 lines by 50 characters. E 'permitted to compete in the faculty sections. And 'welcome any explanation of particular words or phrases.
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